My First Post - What is it All About? By Dave Stoxen I've long had the idea in my head to start a blog, but have always had reasons to not follow through...I was working, going to school (I got a Paralegal Studies degree later in life partially as a hedge against the struggling economy and partly to take my mind off of my job a little bit); raising kids - basically just busy living life. Recently, things have finally lined up in such a way that I now have time to engage in this hobby. My children are grown, and are now on treadmills of their own. My wife and I moved to a condo on the beach in Hilton Head Island South Carolina, and we were fortunate enough to be able to retire from our computer support jobs earlier this year. So I now have time. What will be the subject matter of my writings? Well, pretty much anything that I feel like writing about at a particular time. I envision this being a place for me to go to get things off of my chest, to unload my thoughts, my...